4 Steps to Deeply Connect through the Elements

Falling in love with a place and really knowing a place is more than the beauty, weather or experiences you enjoy. A recent trip to Kaua’i, Hawaii, inspired this deepening practice, as I was called to connect to the unique and potent elemental energy of the island. Taking time to notice the pure power of the ocean, rich clay earth, and wind curving along the canyons. Tapping into a place does not come from a helicopter tour, a surf lesson or local cooking class. Well of course these are all fun and engaging activities - if you want to go deeper, it takes a devotion, stillness, and openness.

The Ritual:

Practice these steps as often as you like, in your hometown or where you travel to develop a deep connection to your natural surroundings and in-turn to your self. I recommend trying this each day for 3 days - take time to notice the shifts.


Find a spot to sit on the ground, feel the earth beneath you - sense the support. Place your hands on the earth in front of you and tune into the magnetism of the earth energy (close your eyes). Take three deep breaths and envision bright green light traveling up your hands and into your heart space. Take another three breaths and envision the earth energy rising up for seat (or root chakra), feel it completely fill your body. Sit with this.


Find a body of water and kneel in front of it. Observe as you gently place you hands above the surface. Feel the cool sensation as your hands lower to touch just the top of the water. Invite the element of water into your awareness, ask it to bring forward anything that needs to be realized or released within you today. Listen and feel what emotion comes forward. Trust your first thought and ask the water to cleanse this from your being. Place your hands deeper into the water (or fully get in if you can) breathe as the element of water holds you. Surrender.


Standing in a place where you can feel a bit of wind on your body. Root into the ground beneath you and close your eyes. Allow your body to gently sway as the wind moves around you. Listen, take some deep belly breaths as you tune into the stories available in the wind. After some time, speak from your heart space any questions you may have for the land or for yourself. Again, listen. Standing, eyes closed, feel into the answers that come forward. Do this for a few minutes and free write afterwards.


Find a place in nature where you can build a fire or light a candle. Create your space in honoring of the land you’re on and power of fire. When your flame is lit begin to obverse it. Allow your mind to relax as you become mesmerized by the flame. Look for the stories within magic of the fire. Watch it dance, spark and tune into what it wants to share with you today. Sit with it for some time. When you feel connected, ask the element of fire to give you awareness of the nature around and within you. Sit with gratitude as you put it out and watch the smoke rise.


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Water as Our Healer