Free Breathwork November

I breathe
I listen
I breathe
I sink
I breathe
I expand
I breathe
I drop in
I breathe
I am home

Our breath is the center point of our being. It is what connects our spirit to our physical body, it’s our life cord. ✨

Breathwork has had a profound impact on my life. I went from having panic attacks in the bathroom at work, feeling anxious and outside of my body all the time…to being present and safe in my body, with truthfully very little stress in my life. It has given my broader perspective and connected me to my inner guidance.

I feel so grateful to have discovered breathwork, enjoyed its impact and became a certified instructor. It has changed my life and with that gratitude I’m offering a number of free 1:1 breathwork sessions with me for the month of November!


Fall Reflections & Journal Prompts


4 Steps to Deeply Connect through the Elements