How to Stay Mindful During the Holidays

This is always a challenge for me!

As wonderful as the holiday season can be, it is so easy to fall back into old habits and patterns that do not support our highest good. It’s like we work all year on self-development, building up beautiful rituals and routines that feel so good in our bodies and then all of a sudden it’s winter and it all goes out the window - to be revisited in January…

I challenge you to break the pattern!

Of course, balance is key! We definitely want to be able to indulge in holiday traditions and treats. However, there are ways to bring ourselves back into alignment and not completely abandon our healthy ways!


  1. Find new ways to stay active each day

    • While your normal exercise regime might not be possible during this season, find new ways to get some movement in! Allow it to flow into your holiday schedule - it does not have to be traditional or regimented. Some ideas:

      • Invite your mom or cousin to join you in yoga before your shopping spree

      • Offer to walk the family dog each day for some peace of mind

      • Do some physical house chores to help out (loading fire wood, cleaning, shoveling)

      • Create an movement based outing with your friends instead of happy hour to try a new work out class

  2. Everything in moderation (Breathe before you eat)

    • Let’s talk about food… Yes, one of the most challenging and enjoyable parts of the holiday season. My approach, is yes to everything - in moderation! So yes, have some of the chocolate, pie or cookies; but before you do - employ this mindful technique:

      • Center yourself (close your eyes - if you can)

      • Take three deep breaths into your belly - in through your nose and out the mouth

      • This will help you become embodied before eating. By doing this you are much more likely to stop after one or two, rather than mindlessly eating the whole box of gingersnaps.

  3. Alone time

    • Staying in balance for me means finding alone time each day to recenter and take time to integrate any emotions or spirited family discussions. This can look like:

      • Offering to run to the store to pick up something for the house

      • Doing a house chore in peace like shoveling driveway (if you’re in a snowy place)

      • Waking up 30 min early to sit in meditation or journal

      • The key is to KNOW when you need a break from the festivities and people; to tune in and listen to your body when it needs rest or a break.

      • Remember it is NOT RUDE to excuse yourself and take 10 min outside to do a bit of breathwork and feel the cold air against your face. That might just save you from numbing with alcohol, food or drama instigation.

  4. Surrender

    • Often times we feel the need to control situations and people around the holidays, as we spend extra time with our friends/family; noticing unhealthy ways of being and disfunction. This can lead to controlling tendencies, giving unsolicited advice, taking on the emotions of others or self abandonment. Is this you?

      • Ask Yourself: “What would I do differently if I knew the other person (or situation) was never going to change?”

      • Learn to take your power back through self-differentiation, clear boundaries, and self love.

      • When you employ this, you will no longer abandon yourself to make peace, engage in controlling dramas, or feel the need to change others.

  5. Last but not least - JOY!

    • Remember the holiday season should be focused on joy! Set intentions each day to find new ways to feel and spread joy within your friends/family. Perhaps you come up with some new creative traditions, or invite your family to try something new; like breathwork, sound healing, rock climbing or crafting. Be creative an know that you are a sovereign being who can evoke the frequency of joy at anytime! Try it!

      • Close you eyes and take a few deep breaths

      • Begin to visualize a time when you felt overjoyed

      • Notice your senses, what are you seeing, feeling - who are you with?

      • Try to maintain the frequency of joy in your body for a full minute!

      • Notice how you feel after! Return to this practice often and build up your time (this is raising you vibration)!


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Fall Reflections & Journal Prompts